Having served at Wellspring Family Life Church since 2010, Pastor Mike and Donnalene desire to point people to Jesus Christ where in we find healing and wholeness.
The development of healthy relationships is at the heart of Wellspring Family Life Church. Their love for Christ and for people is the driving force behind WFLC.
Pastor Mike and Donnalene have been married since 1991 and their greatest joy is their family, having raised 5 children, they are eagerly anticipating the reunion with their 2 in heaven. Their family has grown to include both a son and daughter-in-love, two granddaughters, a grandson, and quite a few foster loves.
Together, Pastor Mike and Donnalene share a passion for strengthening families, which begins with seeing couples experience marriage the way God intended it to be; fun, intimate, and rooted in a love for God and each other.
As a result, healthy marriages will make healthy families. And healthy families, make a difference!